Top 9 Killer Old School Adventure Game Tunes

Old school adventure games frustrated the hell out of me. This was before the internet, so it was simply down to you (and your friends – if you had any) to figure out just how to win that ridiculous pirate spitting contest – resulting in the spontaneous recollection of old school video game soundtracks two decades later.

Online games just… kind of suck.

You know what? It basically boils down to this. Imagine you’re in a vast open world MMORPG. You’ve just slayed some massive beast in a harrowing, all-or-nothing, death-defying battle, when your supposedly wise, sage-like online companion (a wizard who’s supposedly older than the land itself) suddenly turns around and utters, “yo n00b wtf is wrong with you. get teh (sic) crossbow.” So much for immersive experiences, man.

10 Best Old School Graphic Adventure Games – Ever. Period.

This list is compulsory reading and theoretically only comprehensible to persons aged thirty or above. Ahhh, dem nostalgic feels.